Sunday, October 02, 2005

[broadcast] sunday, 10.02.05 - commercial suicide membership drive

hello friends,

It is my pleasure to invite you to listen to another broadcast on Commercial Suicide, Austin's weekly experimental/art/new/noise/weird show. This week I will be doing an all-Austin show, including pieces by Brekekekexkoaxkoax, Field, the Gates Ensemble, Rick Reed and Josh Russell.

Tonight is the last night of KOOP's membership drive and things aren't going so well. The membership drive was delayed two weeks so as to not compete with Katrina relief efforts; now we are competing with two other local radio pledge drives. Our target is $40K and as of this morning we have less than $28K.

In order to keep KOOP's doors open and the transmitter humming, Commercial Suicide needs you to represent Austin's experimental/art/new/noise/weird scene by contributing to KOOP. Contribute what you can! $5 or $10 pledges from starving musicians can really add up. EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. At the $25 level you can be a voting member, and help determine the future of KOOP Radio!

You can call
512-472-KOOP (5667)
(888) 917-KOOP (5667)
to pledge until 10 PM CST tonight. If you can, call between 8 and 10 PM CST while the show is on the air, to make sure your interest in Commercial Suicide counts. Or you can pledge online at

Help us make our goal, and keep community programming alive!

Thanks, and happy listening -


about Commercial Suicide and KOOP:

Commercial Suicide can be heard on Austin's KOOP Radio 91.7 FM, on Sunday July 31 2005, 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM central time. Our playlists are at

If you are out of the Austin listening area you can check it out at You will need the free real audio player; if you do not have it instructions are available on the KOOP site.

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